Skin Care During Cancer Treatments: Adapting Your Routine for Chemotherapy and Radiation

Skin Care During Cancer Treatments: Adapting Your Routine for Chemotherapy and Radiation

Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation can have profound effects on the body, and the skin is no exception. As the largest organ and primary protective barrier, it becomes particularly vulnerable during these therapies. Understanding how to care for your skin before, during, and after treatment can minimize side effects and prevent further complications.

Why Skin Care Is Critical During Cancer Treatments

The treatments aimed at fighting cancer can often leave your skin sensitive and prone to adverse effects, ranging from mild irritation to more severe reactions that could impact your overall comfort and the treatment process. Common skin changes during chemotherapy or radiation include redness, dryness, flakiness, peeling, itchiness, soreness, and rashes.

It’s essential not to pick, scrape, or exfoliate irritated skin, as it’s more susceptible to infections due to its compromised state. These skin reactions typically begin a few weeks into treatment and can take time to resolve after treatments end.

Preparing Your Skin Before Cancer Treatments


Starting a good skincare routine before undergoing cancer treatment can strengthen your skin’s barriers. Use lukewarm water and gentle cleansers that are free from harsh chemicals, such as Alpha Hydroxy Acids, which can aggravate already sensitive skin. Cleansers containing soothing ingredients like aloe vera are more suitable. It’s best to avoid sponges or cloths, which can harbor bacteria, and instead use your hands to ensure thorough rinsing.

Enhancing Moisturisation for Cancer Patients: A Detailed Guide

As a seasoned skin therapist and salon owner, I understand the critical importance of maintaining skin hydration, especially for individuals undergoing cancer treatment. Treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation can severely compromise the skin’s natural moisture barrier, leading to dryness, irritation, and sensitivity. Here’s a comprehensive approach to moisturizing, which is crucial for preserving skin health and comfort during such challenging times.

Key Principles of Effective Moisturisation

Choosing the Right Moisturiser

The goal is to replenish and lock in moisture while protecting the skin’s natural barrier. Look for moisturizers that are specifically formulated to be gentle and replenishing. These products should be:

Fragrance-Free: Fragrances can irritate compromised skin, potentially leading to dermatitis or other skin reactions.

Hypoallergenic: Minimizes the risk of allergic reactions, which is crucial for sensitized skin during treatment.

Rich in Essential Ingredients: Ingredients should actively support skin recovery and barrier repair.

Recommended Ingredients for Cancer Patients

Niacinamide (Vitamin B3): Helps build proteins in the skin and locks moisture in, thereby strengthening the skin barrier.

Hyaluronic Acid: A powerful humectant that attracts and retains moisture, helping to hydrate and plump the skin effectively.

Ceramides: Essential lipids that form the skin’s barrier and help retain moisture.

Glycerin: Another effective humectant that draws water into the outer layer of the skin.

Aloe Vera: Known for its soothing properties, aloe vera can help calm irritation and hydrate the skin gently.

Application Techniques

Apply Moisturiser on Damp Skin: After cleansing, apply moisturizer while your skin is still damp to lock in extra moisture.

Gentle Application: Use light, soft motions to apply the moisturizer. Avoid rubbing or pulling, which can further irritate the skin.

Frequent Reapplication: Moisturizing multiple times a day—especially after washing or bathing—can significantly aid in maintaining skin hydration and elasticity.

Additional Remedies for Itchy or Extremely Dry Skin

Colloidal Oatmeal Baths: For soothing severe itchiness or irritation, a warm bath with colloidal oatmeal can provide immediate relief. Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe and comfort the skin.

Cool Compresses: Applying cool, wet compresses to itchy areas can calm the itch and reduce the urge to scratch.

Environmental Considerations

Humidify Your Environment: Using a humidifier, especially in dry climates or during winter months, can add necessary moisture back into the air, helping to keep your skin hydrated.

Avoid Hot Showers: Very hot water can strip your skin of its natural oils. Opt for lukewarm water when bathing or washing your hands.

Protecting the Skin from the Sun

As a skin therapist with years of experience, I cannot stress enough the importance of sun protection, particularly for those undergoing cancer treatment. Chemotherapy and radiation often weaken the skin’s natural barrier, leaving it more susceptible to environmental aggressors like the sun’s UV rays.

Why Sun Protection Is Critical

Cancer treatments can render your skin fragile and sensitive. Radiation, in particular, can cause radiation dermatitis, leading to redness, peeling, and irritation in the treated area. Chemotherapy may result in photosensitivity, where your skin reacts more intensely to sunlight. Therefore, it’s imperative to minimize sun exposure and protect your skin diligently.

Sun Protection Tips for Cancer Patients

Wear Protective Clothing

Opt for long-sleeved tops and lightweight trousers made of tightly woven fabrics that can block UV rays. Clothes specifically designed with UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) offer superior protection. Choose light, breathable materials to stay comfortable.

Choose the Right Hat

A wide-brimmed hat (at least 3 inches wide) can shield your face, neck, and ears from direct sunlight. Look for hats with a UPF rating or those made of tightly woven fabric to maximize protection.

Use Sunscreen Religiously

Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 or higher to all exposed areas of your body. Ensure the sunscreen is fragrance-free and hypoallergenic to minimize the risk of irritation. Here’s what to look for:

Zinc Oxide or Titanium Dioxide: Mineral-based sunscreens are gentle and less likely to cause irritation.

Broad-Spectrum: Protects against both UVA and UVB rays.

Water-Resistant: Ensures longer-lasting coverage.

Apply at least 15 minutes before going outside, and reapply every two hours or immediately after swimming or sweating.

Seek Shade

Limit direct sun exposure, especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when UV rays are at their strongest. Seek shade under an umbrella or a tree whenever possible.

Wear Sunglasses

UV rays can also affect your eyes. Opt for sunglasses with 100% UV protection to protect your eyes and the delicate skin around them.

Skin Boosters for Aesthetic Treatments: An Honest Look

The world of aesthetic treatments is vast, with a plethora of procedures designed to rejuvenate, refresh, and restore our skin’s youthful appearance. Among the rising stars in this domain are ‘skin boosters’. But what exactly are they, and how do they differ from the well-known dermal fillers? Let’s dive deep into the world of skin boosters.

What are Skin Boosters?

Skin boosters are hydrating treatments that improve the skin’s quality by boosting hydration levels deep inside the skin, resulting in improved elasticity, texture, and radiance. Unlike some other aesthetic treatments that target specific wrinkles or folds, skin boosters nourish the skin from within to provide an overall revitalized look.

How are Skin Boosters Different from Fillers?

At first glance, skin boosters and dermal fillers might seem similar, but they serve distinct purposes:

  • Purpose: While dermal fillers are typically used to restore volume or fill in deep lines and wrinkles, skin boosters primarily hydrate and improve the overall texture of the skin.
  • Composition: Both are generally composed of hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance in our skin. However, in skin boosters, the HA is more diluted and spread out to hydrate the skin’s surface.
  • Application: Fillers are often injected into specific areas to achieve targeted results. In contrast, skin boosters are generally applied over larger areas like the face, neck, and hands to improve overall skin quality.

Who is it Suitable For?

Skin boosters are versatile, catering to a broad spectrum of individuals:

  • Ageing Skin: Those experiencing the early signs of aging benefit from the improved skin elasticity and reduced fine lines.
  • Dry Skin: Individuals with dry or dehydrated skin can reap the benefits of the intense hydration that skin boosters offer.
  • Dull Skin: If you’re aiming for a radiant and glowing complexion, skin boosters can be a game-changer.

However, like all aesthetic treatments, a consultation with a dermatologist or trained professional is essential before undergoing any procedure.

Frequency of Treatment

Generally, an initial series of treatments spaced a few weeks apart is recommended for optimum results. After that, maintenance sessions every 6-12 months can help prolong and maintain the skin’s luminosity and hydration.

Ingredients in a Skin Booster

While the primary ingredient in many skin boosters is hyaluronic acid, some products may also contain vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids. These additional ingredients work synergistically with HA to provide even better results.

Procedure and Timing

A typical skin booster treatment involves the following steps:

  • Consultation: A pre-procedure consultation to discuss needs and expectations.
  • Preparation: The skin is cleansed and, in some cases, a topical numbing cream is applied.
  • Injection: Using fine needles or a micro-cannula, the skin booster is injected into the skin’s superficial layer.
  • Post-procedure: There might be some redness or minor swelling, but this typically subsides within a day or two.

The actual injection process usually takes about 20-30 minutes, but with preparation and post-procedure care, plan for approximately an hour-long appointment.

In Conclusion

Skin boosters are a revolutionary addition to the world of aesthetic treatments, offering a unique solution for those looking to hydrate, rejuvenate, and enhance their skin’s natural beauty. Like all treatments, ensure you’re informed and consult with a trusted professional to determine if skin boosters are right for you.

Unveiling the Power of Retinol: The Fountain of Youth in Skincare

In the extensive world of skincare, retinol stands out as a game-changer, one that everyone should know and consider incorporating into their routine. By the end of this read, I hope to pique your curiosity and convince you to give Retinol a chance.

The Magic of Retinoids

Retinoids, the family name given to all Vitamin A-based molecules, encompass a wide variety of types that work in unique ways and come in different forms. They may be available as creams, oils, and serums, each varying in strength.

Retinoids are unparalleled in the skincare market. They are the only product scientifically proven to aid in anti-aging. Notably, retinoids have the unique ability to penetrate skin cells and communicate with their core, known as fibroblasts.

The Fountain of Youth – Fibroblasts

Fibroblasts, often referred to as the fountain of youth, are responsible for producing three key elements of youth: collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. These elements are crucial for maintaining our skin’s youthful appearance and elasticity. Unfortunately, from the age of 25, these cells become less active, only springing into action when we suffer an injury.

To invigorate these dormant cells, several facial treatments, such as micro-needling, chemical peels, laser treatments, and other facials, have been devised. These treatments stimulate the fibroblasts, encouraging them to produce the three youthful elements.

How Retinol actually worksSkin's outer layerSpeeds up skin's natural exfoliation processsmall retinol molecules help plump fine lines and unclog poresSkin's deeper layerMillion Dollar Facial

The Benefits of Retinoids

Retinoids work by increasing the speed of cell turnover, reducing the usual 6-8 week process to an impressive 2-3 weeks. This faster turnover helps rejuvenate the skin, removing the dead layers and revealing a brighter, more youthful complexion.

When first introducing retinoids into your skincare routine, you may experience some dryness and peeling. While it may seem alarming, this reaction is actually a sign that the retinoid is doing its job, eliminating dead skin from the stratum corneum (the outermost layer of the skin).

Retinoids are available in different strengths, with some requiring a prescription from a skincare specialist. However, a 1% solution can typically be purchased over the counter without a prescription. Most people should start with a 1% solution and gradually increase the strength as their skin becomes more tolerant to retinoids.

The Impact of Retinoids on Your Skin

Aside from anti-aging benefits, retinoids are also potent agents in combating pigmentation, helping to even out your skin tone. They stimulate an increase in collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid production, resulting in a healthier, more youthful-looking skin.

In addition, retinoids boost blood circulation to the skin and aid in reducing excessive oil production, making them a beneficial addition to your skincare regimen if you struggle with oily skin.

Final Thoughts

As you delve deeper into understanding retinoids, you will discover how they have become a cornerstone in the realm of skincare. Incorporating them into your skincare routine can make a significant difference, giving your skin a rejuvenated, youthful glow. I hope you found this information useful, and remember, it’s never too early or too late to start taking care of your skin!

Remember, as with any skincare product, it is crucial to consult a skincare professional before starting a new regimen to ensure it suits your skin type and needs.

My Journey with Profhilo: A Treatment That Transforms

In the dynamic world of aesthetic treatments, there’s always something innovative and
transformative catching my attention. Among these, Profhilo stands out as a game-changer, and
today, I’d love to share my experience and the meticulous process I undertake when offering this
treatment to my valued clients.

Beginning with Consultation

Every successful treatment starts with a comprehensive consultation. For my clients interested in
Profhilo, I always dispatch a consultation form first. This helps me gauge the individual’s suitability
for the procedure and understand any unique requirements or concerns. Rest assured, this step
ensures that every treatment I provide is tailored and safe.

Welcoming My Client

Upon arrival, the journey into rejuvenation begins. While the consultation form provides preliminary
information, I believe in face-to-face interaction to instill confidence and understanding. I walk my
clients through the treatment process, ensuring they know what to expect, and discussing the
aftercare essential for the best results.

Understanding Profhilo

Before delving into the procedure, it’s pivotal to understand what Profhilo is. Profhilo is not just
another filler; it’s a unique hyaluronic acid-based treatment that integrates into the skin, enhancing
its hydration, firmness, and overall texture. It spreads into the dermis like honey!

Benefits & Suitability

Profhilo offers a myriad of benefits, from rejuvenating ageing skin, increasing elasticity, to adding a
radiant glow that many of us yearn for. It’s typically suited for individuals noticing the early signs of
aging or those looking to enhance the hydration and texture of their skin. The magic of Profhilo lies
in its ability to stimulate collagen and elastin, the skin’s natural allies in maintaining youthfulness.

Ensuring Hygiene and Safety

For me, the safety and comfort of my clients are paramount. Before initiating the treatment, I
meticulously cleanse the target area using an alcohol wipe or sterilizing liquid. This ensures that any
potential contaminants are removed, paving the way for a safe procedure.

Hygiene extends beyond just the treatment site. I am deeply committed to preventing cross-
contamination, ensuring that all my tools and products are handled with the utmost care. In line
with this, I only unbox the injection when we’re ready to begin, ensuring its integrity and purity.

The Treatment Process

Though the actual treatment takes around 30 minutes, I always allocate an hour for the entire
appointment. This gives us ample time to address any queries, concerns, and for the all-important
post-treatment discussion.

It’s worth noting that post-treatment, slight swelling, or a small bump might appear at the injection
site. However, from my experience, these are temporary and soon dissolve, leaving behind
refreshed, glowing skin.

Aftercare & Next Steps

Post-treatment care is crucial to achieving the best results. I always take the time to discuss
aftercare with my clients, guiding them on what to expect and how to care for their skin in the days
following the procedure. Before parting ways, we set the date for the next appointment, ensuring a
continuous journey towards radiant, rejuvenated skin.

Final Thoughts

Profhilo has genuinely revolutionized the way I approach skin rejuvenation. It’s not just about
aesthetics, but the confidence and happiness it brings to my clients. If you’re considering this
treatment, know that with me, you’re in experienced, caring hands, every step of the way.